Archive for the ‘Python/PyGTK’ Category

PyGTK: Copy a file to clipboard (paste it in Nautilus)

Thursday, December 4th, 2008

PyGTK provide clipboard functionality for standard targets: text, file(s) and image. Nautilus if does not use the standard URI target for copy/cat/paste file because this target does not provide the desired action (copy or cut).

PyGTK: Get GNOME icon associated with a file

Tuesday, November 18th, 2008

If in your application you need to display a list of files/folders it would be nice to display icons near filenames.

PyGTK: How to display a systray icon from a cronjob

Thursday, November 6th, 2008

It is nice to give some user feedback when someting happen in a background application. For example when a cronjob is running it would be nice to show a systray icon.

PyGTK: Allow only one instance of your application (2)

Tuesday, November 4th, 2008

In the post “PyGTK: Allow only one instance of your application” I presented a method to raise a PyGTK application’s window, but the solution was not perfect.

PyGTK: Allow only one instance of your application

Monday, November 3rd, 2008

In the post “Python: Allow only one instance of your application” I presented a method that works great for non GUI applications. It work’s fine for GUI applications too but if the application is already running the second instance will just quit. What if the application instance’s window is hidden by other window ?

Python: Allow only one instance of your application

Thursday, October 30th, 2008

Multitasking operating systems (all modern operating systems) allow us to execute an applications then once at the same time and this is a great feature. But, in some special cases, you may want to allow only one instance application.
